About Us
Ooh, pick us! Pick us! When you hire Glow, get ready to take a ride. We’re a true experience agency—and the experience begins the moment you engage us. We approach your project with anticipation and eagerness, and let the inspiration flow.
We listen to your wants, get creative in all things, and relish the chance to solve any problems that arise. We love a challenge, because ultimately it lets us do what we do best: cross-pollinate ideas and produce something rad that’ll make your brand shine.
Our Vision
It’s true, we get a little dreamy about why we do what we do. We always have.
As Glow, we’ve been creating worlds—places where people can visit, escape and grow—for over a decade. Fueled by an understanding that we need to be a little—no, a lot—crazy in order to be “crazy good,” our future will be about pushing the creative envelope even further, as we lead our clients through an ever-changing experiential landscape both at home and around the world.

New Zealand native James Schnauer has produced award-winning work in Europe, Asia, Australia and the Americas for over 25 years. A recognized expert in large-scale exhibition and retail development projects, James designs intelligent, engaging worlds and brings a one-of-a-kind blend of enthusiasm, energy and leadership to every Glow project.
Hidden talents: Sheepherder, mascot, crepe chef
Stranded island must-haves: Sunglasses, hammock and a cocktail. Maybe a flare.
Passions: Speed, dare-deviling, endurance
Former all-star athlete and unstoppable designer Bronagh Woods has over 20 years’ experience creating exhibitions, retail environments, live events and interiors for world-class brands. Her focus, commitment and attention to detail put her in a class all by herself and have taken her to far-off places like Dublin, London, New York, Auckland, Los Angeles and more.
Fave travel destination: Maui. Nuff said.
Craziest on-site experience: Floodwaters coming for an exhibit at Cannes
Hidden Talent: Keeping up with James

After completing a degree in environmental design, Andy Woods left his native Ireland for a creative career in the U.S. He’s since built an extensive portfolio flush with work for exhibitions, museums, events and architectural projects. His vast experience in design and production, coupled with a love for guitar-playing, make him a rock star for Glow and also at various L.A. music venues.
Where I max out my credit card: Guitar Center
Craziest onsite experience: Trying on the Ironman suit
Sunday gig: Barbecuing poolside
Elaine Lincourt is Glow’s project and account management guru. Researching new materials and technology, managing vendors, working with clients to best communicate their brand—that’s where she lives. Elaine finds a creative, interesting approach to every project and has never met a challenge she couldn’t beat with practicality and humor.
Fave travel destination: Somewhere new
What I love most about our clients: Variety—it brings on the challenge
Hidden Talents: I’m not telling

Erika Claitte is like a fine vintage. At Glow, she brings fresh, inspired ideas to all aspects of project planning, logistics, and account management and clarity and imagination to everything she touches. Plus, she’s brilliantly fluent in English and Spanish. Oh, and Erika adores California weather and wine tasting.
Fave travel destination: “Mexico, cuz TACOS”
Craziest onsite experience: Frantically fixing the hair of a 10-foot Troll doll
Nickname: Karaoke Queen
Marketing and business development extraordinaire Rachel Rowland has an extensive background leading growth campaigns in a variety of creative sectors. She loves helping companies craft messages that totally resonate with their audiences, and forging enduring relationships between brands, agencies, and people. Rachel spends her spare time doing just about anything outdoors, writing, and flexing her amateur chef and sommelier skills.
Fave place to splurge: A local farmer’s market or cool flea market
Must-haves for a desert island: Pen and paper, some tunes, and margaritas
Art or money? Art, always.

A great company needs a great numbers guy. Arin Baroni is ours. An L.A. native who earned his finance degree at Cal State Northridge, Arin manages all our financial operations and accounting and helps Glow maintain its rock-solid fiscal foundation. When he’s not crunching numbers, Arin’s crunching abs at the gym, defending his Monopoly champion title.
Heroes: My parents, for moving to the U.S. with nothing
Currently watching: America’s Got Talent
What would improve life: My own lane on the 405 (freeway)
Tony Cavaliere is an award-winning designer who is obsessed with brands and messaging. His passion for design and 25 years’ experience in brand development inform a keen sense of the relationship between brand strategy and creative aesthetic. This allows him to conceptualize and execute unique visual solutions that excite clients, engage customers and help win more business.
Passions: Surfing, my wife, travel
Desert island must-haves: Caffeine, french fries and chocolate
Best advice: Do what you love, and love what you do

Garrett Nesselrode is a junior designer whose talent shines in industrial design. He’s worked in major appliances, toy design, transportation and architectural systems. Thirsty for knowledge, Garrett gravitates towards natural history, astronomy and new interactive technologies. He’s always seeking fresh inspiration in his free time—when he’s acting, doing improv, listening to podcasts or gaming.
Hidden talents: No way I’m revealing those
Desert island must-haves: Sandcastle kit, tunes, and my multi-tool
Fave project type: One that triggers childhood memories